Shivarajkumar, Upendra, and Raj B Shetty are teaming up for the first time in "45," a film directed by music composer Arjun Janya. The movie features the trio in lead roles, drawing high expectations due to their unique portrayals inspired by epic characters Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara. Arjun emphasizes the equal importance given to all characters in the story development stage, resulting in a visually stunning film enhanced by animation and a spiritual theme. The completion of CGI work in Canada will soon allow for the announcement of the release date. Arjun, who serves as both the director and music composer, believes that using cutting-edge technology is crucial for creating a captivating cinematic experience in today's competitive media landscape. His dual role allows him to seamlessly blend the music with the narrative, ensuring a cohesive and engaging audience experience.
Shivarajkumar, Upendra and Raj B Shetty are set to share the screen for the first time in music composer Arjun Janya’s directorial debut, 45.“With Shivarajkumar, Upendra, and Raj B Shetty leading ...